DIY Vision Boards that help Manifest your Goals

vision board goals

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January 31st 2024

Interested in manifesting your goals at lightning speed? Then it might be time to make a vision board!

Here, we’ll explore how to make digital and handmade vision boards to better manifest your goals.

The vision boards and mood boards you see on this page are all created by me :)

The Art of Handmade Vision Boards

Start by gathering magazines, a pair of scissors, glue, and a sturdy poster board. Flip through magazine pages, cutting out images, words, and phrases that resonate with your goals. Arrange them on your board, creating a visual narrative that speaks to your aspirations.

The Digital Advantage

Digital vision boards are easily editable, enabling you to adapt and refine your vision as your goals evolve. I always create my digital vision board in Canva, and I get fresh ideas from sites like Pinterest. I simply choose images from Canva’s library and drag and drop those images into my collage template that is pre-made in Canva’s template library. After I have all my images, I add text by first adding a shape as a backdrop for my text, and then add a text box on top of that shape.

Sharing your vision board with others can be a powerful and beneficial practice for several reasons


  • Sharing your vision board with others creates a sense of accountability. When friends, family, or peers are aware of your goals, you may feel more motivated to work towards them to avoid disappointment.

Encouragement and Support

  • Sharing your vision board allows others to provide encouragement and support. Positive feedback and motivational words from those around you can boost your confidence and determination.

Clarification of Goals

  • Explaining your vision board to others requires you to articulate your goals clearly. This process helps you refine and clarify your objectives, making them more tangible and achievable.

Networking Opportunities

  • Sharing your vision board can open up networking opportunities. Others may connect with your goals, providing insights, advice, or even collaboration possibilities that you might not have considered.

Inspiration for Others

  • Your vision board can serve as inspiration for others. By sharing your journey and the steps you're taking to achieve your goals, you might motivate and inspire those in your social circle.

Positive Energy and Manifestation

  • The act of sharing your vision board amplifies the positive energy associated with your goals. When you vocalize and share your aspirations, you contribute to the process of manifestation, attracting positive outcomes.

Constructive Feedback

  • Sharing your vision board may invite constructive feedback. Others may offer valuable insights or suggestions that can enhance your goals or provide a fresh perspective.

Increased Motivation

  • Knowing that others are aware of your goals can increase your motivation. The sense of shared purpose and common knowledge of your aspirations can drive you to stay committed and focused.

Celebrating Achievements

  • Sharing your vision board creates an avenue for celebrating achievements. As you progress towards your goals, sharing milestones and successes allows others to celebrate with you, reinforcing a positive and supportive environment.

Cultivating a Supportive Community

  • Sharing your vision board fosters a sense of community. Building a supportive network of individuals who share similar aspirations can provide ongoing encouragement and collaboration.

Visualization Reinforcement

  • Repeatedly sharing your vision board reinforces the visualization of your goals. The more you talk about and showcase your aspirations, the more deeply they become ingrained in your consciousness, contributing to a focused mindset.

autumn mood board

Explore themes to inspire your next vision board

Self-Discovery and Growth

Explore aspects of personal development, self-discovery, and growth. Include images and quotes that represent your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.

Career and Professional Success

Focus on your career goals and aspirations. Incorporate images of your dream job, professional milestones, and quotes that inspire success in your chosen field.

Travel and Adventure

Capture your wanderlust by featuring destinations you dream of visiting, travel experiences you desire, and images that evoke a sense of adventure and exploration.

Health and Wellness

Create a vision board centered around a healthy lifestyle. Include images of nutritious meals, fitness activities, and wellness practices that align with your health goals.

Creativity and Artistic Expression

Celebrate your creative side with images related to art, music, writing, or any other form of artistic expression that brings you joy and fulfillment.

Relationships and Connection

Focus on building meaningful connections. Include images that represent the relationships you value, whether it's friendships, family bonds, or romantic partnerships.

Financial Abundance

Visualize financial success by incorporating images of financial goals, wise investments, and symbols of prosperity that align with your aspirations.

Mindfulness and Balance

Embrace a vision of balance and mindfulness. Include images that convey a sense of inner peace, mindfulness practices, and a harmonious work-life balance.

Learning and Education

Showcase your commitment to continuous learning and education. Include images of books, educational settings, and symbols of knowledge that resonate with your academic goals.

Family and Home

Highlight the importance of family and home life. Include images that represent a loving family environment, a dream home, or aspirations related to domestic bliss.

Adventure and Hobbies

Explore your passions and hobbies. Incorporate images related to activities and experiences that bring joy and excitement into your life.

Community and Social Impact

Focus on making a positive impact in your community or the world. Include images that align with your desire to contribute to social causes and make a difference.

Spirituality and Inner Peace

Create a vision board centered around spiritual growth and inner peace. Include images that resonate with your spiritual beliefs and practices.

Organization and Productivity

Visualize a well-organized and productive life. Include images of efficient workspaces, organizational tools, and symbols of productivity.

Gratitude and Positivity

Foster a mindset of gratitude and positivity. Include images and quotes that inspire a positive outlook on life, gratitude practices, and moments of joy.

travel vision board

Explore the materials and resources needed to create a vision board

For Handmade Vision Boards

  • Magazines and Newspapers

    • Collect a variety of magazines and newspapers to cut out images, words, and phrases that resonate with your goals.

  • Scissors and Glue

    • Essential tools for physically cutting and pasting images onto your board. Opt for quality scissors and a glue stick for a neat and effective assembly.

  • Sturdy Board or Poster Paper

    • Choose a durable surface to serve as the foundation for your vision board. A poster board, corkboard, or foam board works well.

  • Markers and Pens

    • Use colorful markers and pens to write affirmations, quotes, or personal notes on your board.

For Digital Vision Boards

  • Canva

    • A user-friendly graphic design platform where you can create digital vision boards using pre-made templates or by starting from scratch. I advise upgrading to Canva Pro to have access to the best images for your vision board. You can also upload free photos from Unsplash, Pexels, or Pixabay into Canva to use in your vision board.

Remember, the key to a powerful vision board is selecting visuals and words that resonate deeply with your aspirations. When searching for digital templates on Canva for a vision board, you might also want to search Mood Board templates as well, as these can be just as effective.

christmas mood board

Discover ways to articulate and outline your goals for your vision board

  1. Categorize by Life Areas

    • Divide your goals into different life areas such as career, relationships, health, personal development, and hobbies. This helps create a balanced and comprehensive vision board.

  2. Short-Term vs. Long-Term

    • Distinguish between short-term and long-term goals. Include both on your vision board to represent a mix of achievable milestones and more significant, future aspirations.

  3. SMART Goals

    • Use the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) to outline each goal. This ensures clarity and a concrete understanding of what success looks like.

  4. Visual Representations

    • Instead of writing out goals, use images, pictures, or symbols that represent your aspirations. Visual representations can evoke stronger emotions and make your goals more memorable.

  5. Positive Affirmations

    • Frame your goals as positive affirmations. Use positive language and focus on what you want to achieve rather than what you want to avoid.

  6. Bucket List Style

    • Create a bucket list-style vision board with images or symbols of experiences, achievements, or places you want to visit. This approach is particularly effective for long-term goals and dreams.

  7. Timeline or Roadmap

    • Arrange your goals on the vision board in a timeline or roadmap format. This can help you visualize the sequence of your goals and the steps needed to achieve them.

  8. Prioritization

    • Rank your goals in order of priority. This helps you focus on the most important goals first while creating a hierarchy on your vision board.

  9. Quadrant System

    • Use a quadrant system to categorize your goals based on urgency and importance. This helps in strategic planning and time management.

  10. Personal vs. Professional

    • Distinguish between personal and professional goals. If your vision board represents a mix of both aspects of your life, this approach helps maintain clarity.

  11. Word Clouds

    • Create word clouds that encapsulate the essence of your goals. This can be a mix of keywords, phrases, and quotes that resonate with your aspirations.

  12. Mission Statement

    • Craft a mission statement that encapsulates your overarching life goals. This can serve as a focal point for your vision board, guiding your choices and actions.

  13. Family or Relationship Goals

    • If applicable, include goals related to family or relationships. This could involve images or symbols representing harmony, connection, or shared experiences.

  14. Financial Goals

    • Outline specific financial goals, whether it's saving for a particular milestone, investments, or debt reduction. Include visual representations of financial success.

  15. Interactive Elements

    • Make your vision board interactive by adding flip-up tabs or sections where you can write more details about each goal, such as action steps or deadlines.

Discover goal manifesting strategies

  1. Clarify Your Goals

    • Clearly define and articulate your goals. The more specific and detailed they are, the easier it is to manifest them.

  2. Visualize Success

    • Regularly visualize yourself achieving your goals. Imagine the emotions, surroundings, and details associated with your success.

  3. Create a Vision Board

    • Compile images, quotes, and symbols related to your goals on a vision board. Place it where you can see it daily to reinforce positive visualization.

  4. Use Affirmations

    • Develop positive affirmations that reflect your goals and repeat them regularly. Affirmations help reprogram your subconscious mind.

  5. Maintain a Positive Mindset

    • Cultivate a positive attitude. Replace negative thoughts with constructive and optimistic ones.

  6. Set Intentions

    • Set daily intentions aligned with your goals. This helps you stay focused and mindful of your objectives.

  7. Practice Gratitude

    • Express gratitude for what you have and for the progress you're making toward your goals. Gratitude attracts positive energy.

  8. Believe in Yourself

    • Have faith in your abilities and believe that you deserve to achieve your goals. Self-belief is a powerful catalyst for manifestation.

  9. Release Limiting Beliefs

    • Identify and let go of limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Replace them with empowering beliefs that support your goals.

  10. Take Inspired Action

    • Move towards your goals by taking consistent, inspired action. Break down tasks into manageable steps and stay committed.

  11. Stay Open to Opportunities

    • Be open to unexpected opportunities and remain flexible in your approach. Sometimes the universe delivers in unexpected ways.

  12. Surround Yourself with Positivity

    • Surround yourself with positive influences, supportive people, and environments that inspire your goals.

  13. Trust the Process

    • Trust that the journey towards your goals is unfolding as it should. Have patience and remain persistent.

  14. Release Resistance

    • Identify and release resistance or fear associated with your goals. Trust the process and release the need for immediate results.

  15. Practice Mindfulness

    • Stay present in the moment through mindfulness practices. Being present helps you align your actions with your goals.

  16. Celebrate Small Wins

    • Acknowledge and celebrate small achievements along the way. Celebrating progress reinforces a positive mindset.

  17. Embrace Positivity in Language

    • Use positive and present-tense language when talking about your goals. Frame your desires as if they are already happening.

  18. Align Your Habits

    • Cultivate habits that align with your goals. Consistent positive habits contribute to successful manifestation.

  19. Seek Guidance and Support

    • Seek guidance from mentors or support groups. Sharing your goals with others can provide valuable insights and encouragement.

  20. Trust Your Intuition

    • Listen to your intuition and inner guidance. Your instincts often lead you toward opportunities that align with your goals.

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