Over 20 Ways to Organize Your Refrigerator

woman with brown hair reaching into open fridge to grab brown eggs

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January 24 2024

Are you looking for ways to organize your refrigerator to maximize efficiency and reduce food waste?

Here, we’ll explore how to organize your refrigerator to keep your items fresh and minimize spoilage, ultimately saving you time and money.

woman reaching in her clean fridge to grab a yellow fruit

Explore the best ways to start organizing your fridge

Categorization and Zones

  • Designate specific areas for fruits, vegetables, dairy, meats, and leftovers. This approach not only streamlines the retrieval process but also helps in keeping similar items together, making it easier to maintain order.

Utilize Containers and Bins

  • Invest in clear containers and bins. Grouping smaller items like condiments, snacks, or deli meats in designated containers not only enhances visibility but also prevents them from getting lost or creating clutter.

  • Labeling containers adds an extra layer of organization, ensuring everyone in the household can quickly locate what they need.

First In, First Out (FIFO)

  • Adopting the FIFO principle is crucial for minimizing food waste. Arrange items in a way that encourages using older items first.

  • Place newly purchased groceries at the back and move existing items forward. This ensures that perishables are consumed before their expiration dates.

various organized food items within a fridge

Temperature Zones

  • Understanding the temperature zones within a fridge is essential for preserving food properly. Place items that require cooler temperatures, such as dairy and raw meats, on lower shelves where it's colder.

  • Keep leftovers and ready-to-eat items on upper shelves. The crisper drawers are ideal for storing fruits and vegetables, maintaining optimal humidity levels.

Meal Prepping and Labeling

  • Prepare ingredients in advance and store them in labeled containers. Not only does this save time during meal preparation, but it also contributes to an organized and visually appealing refrigerator.

Regular Cleaning and Purging

  • Set a schedule to clean spills promptly and perform a weekly check for expired or spoiled items. Discard anything that is no longer safe to consume, making room for fresh, healthy choices.

Adjustable Shelves and Dividers

  • If your fridge allows for it, consider adjusting shelves and utilizing dividers to accommodate varying heights of items.

  • This flexibility ensures that you can customize the space according to your specific storage needs, preventing wasted vertical space and maximizing efficiency.

clear container storage of food in fridge

Uncover creative ways to maintain a more organized refrigerator

Mason Jar Storage

  • Use mason jars to store beverages, leftovers, or meal-prepped salads. The clear jars provide visibility and a rustic aesthetic.

Chalkboard Labels

  • Attach chalkboard labels to bins or containers to easily identify and customize storage sections. It adds a touch of personalization.

Fridge Coasters

  • Colorful or patterned fridge coasters can be placed on shelves to absorb spills and add a pop of color.

Binder Clips for Bags

  • Use binder clips to seal bags of frozen fruits, veggies, or snacks. Hang them from wire shelves for easy access.

Fruit Hammock

  • Hang a fruit hammock from a shelf to store fruits like apples, oranges, or bananas, creating a decorative display.

Crisper Drawer Dividers

  • Install dividers in crisper drawers to separate different types of produce, keeping them organized and easily accessible.

Ziplock Bag Storage

  • Label and organize Ziplock bags filled with prepped ingredients or small snacks. Store them in bins or baskets.

Color-Coded Storage Bins

  • Assign specific colors to different categories of items (e.g., dairy, snacks). Use colored bins to create an organized and visually appealing look.

Herb Storage

  • Place fresh herbs in small vases or jars with water, resembling a mini herb garden. This adds a touch of greenery to your fridge.

various foods stored in glass containers in refrigerator

Meal-Prep Station

  • Dedicate a section for meal-prepped items in clear containers. Label each container with the day of the week for easy planning.

Basket System

  • Use baskets or wire crates to group similar items. This helps keep shelves tidy and creates a cohesive look.

Elevated Shelves

  • Install small shelves or risers to create layers and maximize vertical space. This is especially useful for condiments or small items.

Magnetic Spice Jars

  • Attach magnetic spice jars to the side of your fridge for convenient storage of frequently used spices.

DIY Fridge Liners

  • Create custom fridge liners using decorative paper or placemats. It adds a personal touch and protects shelves.

Wine Rack for Bottles

  • Repurpose a wine rack to store bottles like water or juice horizontally, making them easily accessible and adding a unique touch.

Ice Cube Tray Organizer

  • Use ice cube trays to organize and store small items like baby food portions or chopped herbs.

Mini Ice Cream Container Drawer

  • Repurpose small ice cream containers as drawer organizers for items like cheese slices, deli meats, or smaller snacks.

Fridge Art Gallery

  • Turn the front of your fridge into an art gallery with magnetic frames, showcasing artwork or family photos.

Under-Shelf Hooks

  • Attach hooks under shelves to hang lightweight items like bags of herbs or kitchen tools.

vegetables and eggs stored uniquely in open glass containers and drawers in fridge

Invest in Fridge Bins

  • Use clear bins or trays to group similar items together. These can be easily pulled out for quick access.

Utilize Lazy Susans

  • Lazy Susans are excellent for organizing condiments, jars, and smaller items. Simply spin to access what you need.

Store Raw Meats Safely

  • Keep raw meats on the bottom shelf to prevent cross-contamination. Place them in sealed containers or on trays to catch any drips.

Adjustable Shelves

  • If your fridge has adjustable shelves, customize them to accommodate taller or larger items as needed.

Dedicated Snack Drawer

  • Designate a drawer for snacks, making it easy for family members to find quick bites without rummaging through the entire fridge.

color storage containers full of food in fridge

Utilize Fridge Mats

  • Place refrigerator mats on shelves for easy cleaning and to catch any spills. They come in various designs and are washable.

Freezer Bin Organization

  • Use bins in the freezer to categorize frozen items like vegetables, meats, and ice cream. Label if needed for quick identification.

Use Egg Cartons

  • Egg cartons can be repurposed to hold small items like condiment packets, cheese sticks, or small fruits.

Fridge Deodorizers

  • Place an open box of baking soda or use specialized fridge deodorizers to absorb odors and keep the refrigerator smelling fresh.

Designate a Leftovers Shelf

  • Dedicate a specific shelf for leftovers to keep track of what needs to be consumed first.

Clean Regularly

  • Regularly clean out expired items, wipe down shelves, and sanitize bins to maintain a fresh and hygienic refrigerator.

woman wearing green gloves cleaning the inside of a fridge with a pink cloth

Discover tips and tricks to effectively clean your refrigerator

Empty and Declutter

Remove all items from the fridge. Discard expired or spoiled food and organize the remaining items.

Unplug and Defrost (if applicable)

If your refrigerator has a defrost function, unplug it, and let it defrost before cleaning.

Remove Shelves and Drawers

Take out shelves, drawers, and removable parts for a thorough cleaning. Wash them in warm, soapy water.

Wipe Down Surfaces

Use a mixture of water and mild dish soap or a vinegar-water solution to wipe down the interior surfaces, including walls and door gaskets.

Clean Gaskets and Seals

Use a toothbrush or small brush to clean the rubber gaskets and seals around the door. Ensure a tight seal for energy efficiency.

Disinfect with Vinegar

Mix equal parts water and white vinegar to disinfect surfaces. Wipe down the interior, paying attention to corners and crevices.

salmon dish in glass container fresh out of the fridge

Deodorize with Baking Soda

Place an open box of baking soda or a bowl of baking soda in the fridge to absorb and neutralize odors.

Address Stains Promptly

Quickly clean up spills and stains with a mild cleaning solution to prevent them from becoming stubborn.

Clean the Drip Pan

Locate and clean the drip pan under the refrigerator. Remove any accumulated water or debris.

Vacuum Coils

Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to clean the coils on the back or underneath the refrigerator. This improves energy efficiency.

Check Temperature Settings

Ensure the refrigerator is set to the recommended temperature for food safety.

Clean Exterior

Wipe down the exterior of the refrigerator, including handles and control panels, using an appropriate cleaner.

Organize and Group Items

Before placing items back in the fridge, organize them by category and group similar items together for easy access.

Rotate Stock

While putting items back, rotate older items to the front for use before newer ones.

Use Shelf Liners

Consider using shelf liners to make future cleanups easier. They can be removed and cleaned separately.

Freshen with Lemon

Cut a lemon in half and place it in the refrigerator to add a fresh, citrusy aroma.

Clean Condenser Fan

If applicable, clean the condenser fan using a vacuum cleaner. This improves cooling efficiency.

Inspect Water Dispenser

Clean and sanitize the water dispenser if your refrigerator has one. Follow manufacturer guidelines.

Regular Maintenance Schedule

Create a regular cleaning and maintenance schedule to keep your refrigerator consistently clean and organized.

chicken kept safe in glass container fresh for fridge storage

Explore DIY fridge deodorizers for a fresher smelling fridge

Orange Peel Sachet

Materials: Dried orange peels, small cloth bag.

Dried orange peels add a citrusy scent. Place them in a small cloth bag and put it in the fridge.

Activated Charcoal Pouch

Materials: Activated charcoal, small fabric pouch.

Activated charcoal is known for absorbing odors. Place it in a small fabric pouch and put it in the fridge.

Vanilla Extract Cotton Ball

Materials: Cotton ball, vanilla extract.

Soak a cotton ball in vanilla extract and place it in the fridge for a sweet aroma.

Lemon and Rosemary Jar

Materials: Lemon slices, fresh rosemary, mason jar.

Combine lemon slices and fresh rosemary in a mason jar for a fragrant deodorizer.

DIY Gel Deodorizer

Materials: Water, gelatin, essential oil.

Mix water, gelatin, and a few drops of essential oil. Pour into a container and let it set for a gel deodorizer.

Coffee Grounds Sachet

Materials: Used coffee grounds, small cloth bag.

Used coffee grounds absorb odors. Place them in a small cloth bag and put it in the fridge.

Cloves and Cinnamon Pouch

Materials: Cloves, cinnamon sticks, small fabric pouch.

Combine cloves and cinnamon sticks in a small fabric pouch for a warm and spicy scent.

Herb Bouquet

Materials: Fresh herbs (mint, basil, thyme), small vase.

Create a small herb bouquet in a vase and place it in the fridge for an herbal aroma.

Vinegar and Lemon Spray

Materials: White vinegar, lemon juice, spray bottle.

Mix equal parts vinegar and lemon juice in a spray bottle. Spritz surfaces for a cleaning and deodorizing effect.

Citrus Peel Air Freshener

Materials: Citrus peels (orange, lemon, lime), vinegar.

Soak citrus peels in vinegar and place them in a small dish for a natural air freshener.

Essential Oil Cotton Balls

Materials: Cotton balls, essential oil.

Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to cotton balls and place them in the fridge.

Lavender Sachet

Materials: Dried lavender buds, small cloth bag.

Dried lavender provides a calming scent. Place it in a small cloth bag and put it in the fridge.

Eucalyptus Bundle

Materials: Fresh eucalyptus branches, twine.

Bundle fresh eucalyptus branches together with twine and hang them in the fridge for a refreshing aroma.

blonde looking in refrigerator while smiling

Where to shop for refrigerator organizing produts

Amazon offers a vast selection of fridge organizing tools, including bins, shelf liners, can dispensers, and drawer organizers. You can find a wide variety of brands and price ranges, along with user reviews to help make informed decisions.

IKEA provides stylish and functional fridge organization solutions, including containers, baskets, and shelves that help maximize space and keep your refrigerator organized.

The Container Store specializes in organization and storage solutions. They offer a wide range of fridge organizing tools, such as stackable bins, egg holders, and lazy Susans designed to keep your refrigerator tidy and efficient.

Home Depot carries a variety of fridge organization products, including storage bins, shelf organizers, and food storage containers. Their selection helps you maintain an organized and clutter-free fridge.

Lowe's offers several fridge organization solutions, such as fridge bins, drawer dividers, and shelf liners. They provide options to help optimize your refrigerator space and keep food items easily accessible.

Wayfair has a large selection of fridge organizers, including storage bins, can holders, and drawer inserts. Their products come in various styles and materials to suit different preferences and needs.

Target features a range of affordable fridge organizing tools, such as bins, baskets, and containers. Their products are designed to maximize fridge space and keep your food items neatly organized.

Walmart provides budget-friendly fridge organization solutions, including stackable bins, shelf organizers, and food storage containers. Their wide selection caters to different organizational needs and preferences.

Bed Bath & Beyond offers a variety of fridge organizers, from stackable bins and shelf liners to lazy Susans and drawer dividers. Their products help keep your refrigerator organized and easy to navigate.

OXO specializes in high-quality kitchen and fridge organization tools. They offer a range of products, including stackable bins, produce keepers, and can organizers designed to optimize fridge space and prolong food freshness.

Rubbermaid provides durable and versatile fridge organization products, such as stackable containers, produce savers, and shelf organizers. Their products are designed to keep your refrigerator neat and efficient.

Joseph Joseph offers innovative and stylish fridge organizing tools, including stackable storage containers, shelf organizers, and drawer inserts. Their products are designed to maximize space and keep your fridge clutter-free.

YouCopia specializes in kitchen and fridge organization solutions. They offer a variety of products, including adjustable bins, can organizers, and lazy Susans designed to create an organized and efficient refrigerator.

InterDesign provides a range of fridge organizing tools, such as clear storage bins, shelf liners, and can dispensers. Their products help maintain a tidy and organized refrigerator space.

HomeGoods offers a selection of fridge organization products, including storage bins, shelf organizers, and food containers. Their ever-changing inventory provides unique and affordable options for keeping your fridge organized.

Sur La Table provides high-quality kitchen and fridge organization tools, including storage containers, produce keepers, and fridge bins. Their products help keep your refrigerator organized and prolong the freshness of your food.

Crate & Barrel features stylish and functional fridge organizing tools, such as stackable bins, glass food storage containers, and shelf organizers. Their products help you maintain an organized and efficient refrigerator.

Williams Sonoma offers premium fridge organization solutions, including high-quality storage containers, produce savers, and shelf organizers. Their products are designed to keep your refrigerator tidy and prolong the freshness of your food.

Pottery Barn provides stylish and functional fridge organizing tools, such as storage bins, food containers, and shelf organizers. Their products help keep your refrigerator organized and visually appealing.

brunette holding cell phone while looking in refrigerator

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